Sack Duffel Folding Mór le Rothaí Rolling Collapsible Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag

  • Forbhreathnú
  • Táirgí Gaolmhara
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag supplier
Cur Síos ar an Táirge
Gnéithe Táirgí
* Uimhir samhlaíochta.
* Ábhar
Poileistir, Nílón nó Saincheaptha
(Densacht Ard 600x600D/PVC)
*Méid an Táirge
Neartaigh: 86x68x35cm;
Comhoiriúnach: 68x35x14cm
Dubh nó Speisialta
* Am luaidhe sampla
7-15 Laethanta
* Am lua táirgí
45-65 lá
* sonraíocht
* Láimhseáil chompordach padded ar an mbarr;
* Pocéad roimhe seo le haghaidh gabhálas;
* Príomhchompartimint spacious;
* Pocéad mesh ar thaobh amháin;
* Strap gualainn inchoigeartaithe agus inbhainte;
* Le 2 rothaí réidh ag gluaiseacht;
* Gné inchoigeartaithe: Is féidir é a chlaonadh isteach i mála gualainn beag nuair nach bhfuil sé in úsáid.
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag factory
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag supplier
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag details
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag supplier
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag supplier
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag factory
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag factory
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag details
Táirgí Gaolmhara
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag manufacture
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag details
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag factory
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag details
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag details
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag details
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag manufacture
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag factory
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag details
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag factory
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag manufacture
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag details
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag manufacture
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag supplier
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag supplier
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag manufacture
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag manufacture
Réamhrá na cuideachta
Bunaithe i 2001, Cuirimid an méid seo a leanas in iúl: CTá an tionscadal seo curtha i gcrích ag an tionscadal seo, a bhfuil limistéar 6,000 méadar cearnach aige, agus a bhí ag obair ar fheabhas a chur ar theicniúlacht agus ar praiticiúil do gach cineál málaí.


Tá taithí oibre trí bliana ar a laghad agus suas le deich mbliana ag gach ball díolacháin. Tá ár bhfoireann seirbhíse agus tacaíocht theicniúil ar fáil chun cabhrú le custaiméir na táirgí ceart a roghnú, agus chun samplaí dár dtáirgí a sholáthar don chustaiméir le haghaidh meastóireachta.
Saincheapadh:Tá an cumas againn stíleanna nua a fhorbairt ó líníochtaí + samplaí ref + treoracha scríofa.
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag supplier
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag details
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag details
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag manufacture
Ceisteanna Coitianta
C: Cad é an raon táirgí?
Cúlpachanna ((gnóthaí, spóirt, cúis, seomra aclaíochta, taistil, scoil, etc...); málaí lasmuighsiúl,campáil, trekking, sciáil, surfáil; rith); málaí teicniúla; málaí tirim; málaí diaper; málaí; málaí bagáiste; málaí fuaraithe/picnic; málaí cosmaideacha; málaí iompair; málaí taistil/duffel; málaí chúlra...
Áiseanna (pásanna leighis, málaí peataí, málaí rothaíochta, málaí uirlisí,Saighdiúirí feicthe,mála hockey, siopadóireacht, etc...)...

C: Conas sampla a fháil?
Tá áthas orainn samplaí a thairiscint má fhaigheann tú na stíleanna a bhfuil suim agat iontu nó má chuireann tú do chuid dearaí féin chugainn.
Déanfar costas samplaí a phlé de réir luach éagsúla.

C: Conas a ordú linn?
Cuir fios ar ár n-iarratas-ár luachan a fháil-mionsonraí ordú a chaibidliú-an sampla a dhaingniú - an conradh a shíniú-taisce pá-Táirgeadh Mór-lasta réidh-an fáltas/an seachadadh-comhar níos faide.

C: Conas a shocraítear íocaíocht?
T/T, West Union agus trádáilIoscamhde ghnáth.
Ár téarma íocaíochta gnáth: T/T 30% taisce, cothrom T/T ar fáil cóipeanna de doiciméid loingseoireachta.

C: Ár gealltanas!
Cuirfimid dearadh faisin, cáilíocht mhaith, seirbhís éifeachtúil, agus praghas iomaíoch ar fáil. ráthaímid cáilíocht an táirgeadh.

Tá cáilíocht ina thosaíocht!
Large Folding Duffel Bag with Wheels Collapsible Rolling Travel Jumbo Cargo Trolley Wheelie Bag manufacture

Faigh Luaigh Saor

Déanfaidh ár n-ionadaí teagmháil leat go luath.
Ainm na Cuideachta
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